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  2. TRELLO-259

As a Trello Enterprise admin, I want to filter for Non-Enterprise Workspaces over 10 collaborators so that I can find Workspaces that will be affected by user limits


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      User Problem

      Currently, Enterprise admins can the total number of collaborators for each Non-Enterprise Workspace in the Enterprise admin dashboard. This allows them to identify which Free Workspaces will be affected by the new 10-collaborators limit.

      However, this is very impractical for big Enterprises with hundreds or thousands Non-Enterprise Workspaces to comb through.

      Suggested Solutions

      Create a filtering option (similar to the existing Activity filter) that allows admins to filter for Workspaces that are either at or over the collaborators limit (>=10).

      Alternatively, although not ideal, sorting by number of collaborators in the Workspace would also allow admins to more easily spot the relevant Workspaces.

      Current Workarounds

      Admins need to comb through all their Non-Enterprise Workspaces and manually write down the relevant information from each one that fits the requirement.

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            9e2dfaf9202f Gustavo at Trello
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