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  2. TRELLO-257

Automation Report for Board Quota Limit Prevention


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User Problem

      When a Workspace reaches the quota limit (automation runs per month) for Free/Standard plans, the user receives an email that the limit was exceeded and referred to which Workspace and user don't have an effective way of knowing which boards have the automation with the highest number of runs to make some adjustments.

      Suggested Solutions

      1- To receive a report for the most triggered automation (and their respective board location) at about 80% of the quota reached so the user can manage and take some actions to avoid reaching the limit before the end of the month.
      2- Or a way for Workspace admins to check boards automations runs in a panel dedicated to that.

      Current Workarounds

      Users can check the "Activity" view in the automation panel within a board, displaying how many automation runs the Workspace has so far. But you can't know which is the automation with more triggers.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            b6b58e9f035b Luciana Munhoz
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