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  2. TRELLO-235

Using the 'Add to another board' with an automation rule that has a different board, returns an error message


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • Automation - Help
    • None
    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      Using the '+ Add to another board' feature to add an automation to another board returns an error if the rule itself contains another board.

      For example, we have a board called "Project".

      And an automation rule enabled on the "Project" board:

      when the green label is added to a card, move the card to the top of list "Current Projects" on board "Remote Team Hub"

      So when a green label is added to a card in the "Project" board, it will move the card to another board: "Remote Team Hub"

      The user would like to enable this on other boards, so that when a card is updated, it will send the card from that board to the "Remote Team Hub" board as well.

      When you select "+ Add to another board", then select a different board, there is an error message returned that says:

      "The list Current Projects does not exist on New board. Please pick a different list."

      This causes confusion because it seems like the automation assumes that the board should be the board that the rule is being moved to, and the error message doesn't go away when the action is updated.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a new rule that moves a card to another board e.g.
      when the green label is added to a card, move the card to the top of list "Current Projects" on board "Remote Team Hub"
      1. Click on the "+ Add to another board" button and select a different board
      2. There will be a warning error message: "The list Current Projects does not exist on New board. Please pick a different list."

      Expected Results

      The automation doesn't update any board details and the warning error message should not appear.

      Actual Results

      A warning error message appears stating "The list Current Projects does not exist on New board. Please pick a different list."_

      The list of the board is greyed out, and even if you update the board and list, the warning text doesn't go away.


      If you click on the blue "+ Add automation" it will still add the automation on to the other board successfully.

      Or enable the automation on another board by going to the board directly, open the automation library, find the automation and select "Enable automation on board"

            Unassigned Unassigned
            cf5de26c352e Beverley
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