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  2. TRELLO-227

Inviting multiple single-board Guests to a board simultaneously will trigger the multi-board Guest message when it shouldn't


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • Board - Invite
    • None
    • 1
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      When inviting multiple single-board Guests to a board simultaneously (more than 100 users), these invites might be rate-limited by our API, resulting in these invites not being sent. When that happens, Trello will end up triggering the multi-board Guest message instead of informing the user they're being rate-limited. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Open the board
      • Try to invite more than 100 users to the board
      • Then, try inviting another list of 100 users
      • You'll notice the invites didn't go through, and the multi-board Guest message was triggered.

      Expected Results

      Users shouldn't be warned about single-board Guests becoming multi-board Guests when multiple Guests are invited simultaneously to their boards. They should instead be informed they're being rate-limited and should try again later. 

      Actual Results

      Users are receiving a warning that single-board Guest(s) will become billable members when they're only being invited to one board.


      The user can wait 5 min before sending the next batch of invites. This will ensure they won't be rate-limited, and consequently, the multi-board Guest message won't get triggered. 

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