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  2. TRELLO-211

Bulk actions through the Board clean-up screen takes only 5 actions instead of all actions.


    • 3
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      When you have many cards on a board you'll see the Board clean-up screen that allows you to bulk archive cards. However, this screen performs the action on 5 cards instead of all selected cards, freezing after it. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. With many cards on a board, you'll see the banner to use the board clean-up feature,
      2. Try to archive many cards at once. My customer tried with 1,095 a different customer faced the same problem archiving 1,444.
      3. The clean-up screen will archive only 5 and freeze after that. 

      Expected Results

      Archive all selected cards.

      Actual Results

      Only 5 cards are archived and nothing happens.


      Manually archive all cards or use API

        1. Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 11.54.45.png
          Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 11.54.45.png
          284 kB
        2. image (1).png
          image (1).png
          72 kB
        3. image (2).png
          image (2).png
          165 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            4052ea6d40d3 Theodoro Reato
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