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  2. TRELLO-152

As a Trello user, I'd like for the navigation areas of Trello to have a static color of my choosing


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User Problem

      While using Trello's Light Theme and viewing a board that has a colorful background, the left and top navigation areas of Trello's interface automatically adjust to match the color of the board background. For example, if I'm using Light Theme and viewing a board with purple background, my left and top navigation areas are also purple. As a Trello user, I'd like for the navigation areas of Trello to have a static color (of my choosing) so that my left and top navigation areas of Trello do not change color based on the board I'm viewing. 

      Suggested Solutions

      In the "Theme" section (click on user avatar in top right corner, view "Themes"), right now we have "Light", "Dark", and "Match Browser". When Light Theme is selected, the left and top navigation bars adopt the board's background color. Suggestion: add an option for "Neutral" so that, when Neutral is selected, the navigation areas are not black (dark theme) or white / colorful (currently how light theme works), but remain grey or beige or a muted Trello blue, or another neutral color. 

      Current Workarounds

      Using Trello's Dark Theme can help prevent the navigation areas from adopting the board's background color. However, this might be too dark for some users.

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            bjohnson2@atlassian.com Blair at Atlassian
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