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  2. TRELLO-149

Going to the Up Next section in Home page does not display cards that are due if card is assigned to more than 1 person


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • Account - Home
    • None
    • 3
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      Going to the Up Next section in the Home page does not display cards that are due soon, if those cards are assigned to more than 1 person other than yourself. This only happens in Desktop browser. User claims that this change only happened recently (this week). Was this an intended change?

      Up Next documentation says that Due soon cards show up if:

      You are a member of the card and there is a due date that is not marked complete and the due date is not older than 2 weeks and the due date is not in the future by more than 30 days and the card is not archived, on an archived list, or on a closed/deleted board.

      There is no member assigned to the card and you are a member of the board and there is a due date that is not marked complete and the due date is not older than 2 weeks and the due date is not in the future by more than 30 days and the card is not archived, on an archived list, or on a closed/deleted board.

      It does not mention that you need to be a sole member of the card.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a card and set due date to tomorrow
      1. Assign this card to yourself
      1. Go to Trello Home and look at Up Next section
      1. You should see the card in displayed in the Up Next section
      1. Go back to the card and assign another member
      1. Go to Trello Home and look at Up Next section

      Expected Results

      You should see the card in displayed in the Up Next section

      Actual Results

      The card is not in the Up Next section if there are multiple people assigned to it


      • You can also use due:3 to check card's due in the next 3 days so you can check which ones are due this week. Here's more tips on how to search using Search operators 
      • [Premium Users] Use our Workspace Table View to filter cards that are due this week and sort them by due date

            Unassigned Unassigned
            e34e32beb823 Mutya A
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