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  2. TRELLO-137

Firefox intermittently loads an incomplete Board with missing Stickers, Labels, Dates etc


    • 2
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      When using Firefox to access Trello on the web, boards can sometimes not fully load causing strange formatting, ie stickers, dates and labels go missing from the page. A reload will get them to come back. If changing to different boards, the same may happen, and a reload can fix it. This is an intermittent issue and doesn’t affect all Firefox users.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On Firefox open a Trello board with various Trello elements (due date, stickers, labels)

      Expected Results

      I would expect to see the board load all its elements

      Actual Results

      Board doesn’t fully load and missing elements like due dates, stickers, labels.


      Given the intermittent nature the workaround is to reload the board or use a different browser.

        1. ff bug.png
          ff bug.png
          1.10 MB

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