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  2. TRELLO-115

Copy pasting a link to a card back while links attachment type is restricted does not show any UI warning


    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: (yes) / (no)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Enterprise
      2. Restrict the Link attachment type for an Enterprise
      3. Go to the Enterprise belonging WS
      4. Create a board with at least one list and a card on it
      5. Open the card back
      6. Copy paste the link to some external resource (for ex. giphy image: https://giphy.com/gifs/TempleOfGeek-doctor-who-10th-togdoctorwho-emVhwZ0cx7E2l125l9) to the card back

      Expected Results

      Link has not been pasted / attached to the card with a corresponding UI error message

      Actual Results

      Link has not been pasted / attached with no error message


      Not really a workaround, while other place where we could attach the link to the card back: open the card back and try to attach a link directly via the `Attachments` popup => `Link` field - error message appears on attempt to save the attachment.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            a1a0ba86ac76 Volodymyr Tertyshnyi
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