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  2. TRELLO-1065

As a Trello Enterprise Admin, I'd like to be able to generate an Enterprise usage report

    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      User Problem

      As an Enterprise Admin, I want to be able to generate a usage report that shows how many cards each user has been assigned over the past 12 months. Currently, there's a link to the Atlassian Admin product insights page on the Enterprise Dashboard, but this provides last activity data for Trello users, rather than Trello specific usage.

      What this usage report entails could be built up over time (we can add more points below), but as a starting point:

      • Show how many cards each user has been assigned over the past 12 months.

      Suggested Solutions

      Provide a reports section in the Enterprise Admin Dashboard, or a usage report page which provides the aforementioned information.

      Current Workarounds

      While there isn't currently a way to retrieve this information in the Trello Enterprise admin dashboard, there is one potential workaround that can be done at the individual Workspace level:

      Customers could make use of the Dashcards Power-up to filter cards assigned across boards in a Workspace, filtered by assignee and set the date created to 'later than 12 months'. That said, this is very manual and doesn't cover all Workspaces in the Enterprise.

      Alternatively, it might be possible to retrieve this information using the Cards endpoint in the API: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/trello/rest/api-group-cards/#api-group-cards

            [TRELLO-1065] As a Trello Enterprise Admin, I'd like to be able to generate an Enterprise usage report

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              4d62dc7a8867 Oliver S
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