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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-842

Adding SSO to an Audience specific page adds Google Auth and IP Allowlisting, which don't work on this page type.


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      When a user adds SSO for their Audience Specific page, it shows SAML, Google Auth, and IP allow listing. While SAML works and is the intended method, Google Auth and IP allow listing don't work as expected. Google Auth fails to save domains. IP allow listing will block IP addresses but require a user to login with their username and password. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      Google Auth

      1. Add SSO to an Audience Specific page.
      2. Go to "your page" > authenticate and see that Google Auth exists.
      3. Click Configure for Google Auth and enter a domain.
      4. Click Activate.
      5. A confirmation will show as a success but will not actually change any settings.
      6. Navigate from the page and re-enter the configure screen. The domain you entered is removed.

      IP Allow Listing

      1. Add SSO to an Audience Specific page.
      2. Go to "your page" > authenticate and see that IP Allow listing exists.
      3. Add a valid IP address and save the configuration.
      4. Navigate to view your Statuspage. While you're able to enter with your IP address, it brings you to a login page and you have no credentials to login, blocking access from this point.

      Expected Results

      I would expect Google Auth and IP allow listing to not exist on this authentication page to begin with. Audience specific pages require knowledge of the audience/groups. This can't be done on Google Auth or IP allow listing.

      Actual Results

      Users can see these other methods and when trying to use them, they are unable to and no errors are given to inform them.


      The workaround is to use SAML and ignore the other options.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jklein@atlassian.com Jesse Klein
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