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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-827

outage duration for a component was differing +/- values when they refreshing the page during an outage


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      outage duration for a component was differing +/- values when they refreshed it during an outage

      This isn't consistently reproducible, but I was able to replicate this issue on this test page - https://status.letstest.click - it was going back and forth between 37 min and 33 min for the outage time on 'my test comp' on each refresh. I had to test reloading for a while to get the issue to occur. 

      multiple customers have also reported this in the past but it is not always reproducible. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. open an incident with a related component that is down
      2. visit the live statuspage
      3. refresh the page repeatedly and check the outage time for the component on each refresh

      Expected Results

      It should reflect the actual outage time on each refresh

      Actual Results

      The outage time goes up and down on each refresh. example:

      first load 17 min

      first refresh 34 min

      second refresh 17 min

      third refresh  30 min 




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            a3e616cd17e8 John M
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