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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-823

Statuspage Manage - Pagination issue toggling between "Active" and "Unconfirmed" subscribers


    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      If a page has more than 10 active and more than 10 unconfirmed subscribers, pagination is enabled when browsing those subscribers in SP Management. 

      Each page in the navigation shows up to 10 subscribers.

      If the "Active" tab has 3 pages, and we try to navigate to the "Unconfirmed" tab with 100 unconfirmed subscribers, instead of displaying 10 pages to navigate through all the subs, it will only show the 3 pages again, making it so that not all the subscribers in the tab are accessible. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have a page with 10+ active subscribers and 20+ unconfirmed subscribers
      2. Try to navigate between the "Active" and "Unconfirmed" tabs

      Expected Results

      Pagination should switch based on the number of subscribers in each category

      Actual Results

      Pagination gets stuck based on the first tab


      Instead of going directly between "Active" and "Unconfirmed", clicking on the "Quarantined" tab can work to reset the pagination, depending on the number of quarantined subscribers. 

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