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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-816

Adding maintenance events drags faulty status through if the component becomes operational while creating the event


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      It has been reported that when setting a maintenance schedule after a component has gone back to "operational" from "major outage", upon saving the maintenance schedule it will then put the component back to "major outage".

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Able to replicate this in my own test account, steps below of how I was able to do it. 
        • Used one of my component's (API) with the automation email address.
        • Sent email to automation email address and made it go "DOWN" to Major Outage.
        • Once down "scheduled a maintenance" chose the component "API" but did not hit "save". Then sent another message to the address with "UP" to make it operational. 
        • Then after it was "UP" and it was confirmed that it was operational, saved the scheduled maintenance and it made the API component revert to "Major Outage".

      Expected Results

      The expectation is for the component to stay as "operational" rather than reverting to "major outage". 

      Actual Results

      It will stay as "major outage" and it will need to be manually changed back to "operational".


      Currently there is no workaround. If there is one, it will be posted here in the future.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            12a4eaf97da4 Russell Chee
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