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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-801

Audience Specific pages with 1000+ components intermittently time out during page generation


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      Customers with Audience Specific pages with 1000+ components and recent incident history entries are intermittently timing out during our page generation. This is evident when customers come in via SSO and occassionally receive a 504 Bad Gateway error instead of the Statuspage.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. A user browses to their Audience Specifc Statuspage that uses SSO authentication
      2. The user performs their IdP Authentication process.
      3. When their browser redirects them to their Statuspage, it will intermittently return a 504 Bad Gateway response.

      Expected Results

      For the user to be able to login without any issue and always have the page display

      Actual Results

      The page is not displayed everytime, and examining the headers in the 504 response header "x-cache" will contain the message "Error from cloudfront"


      Currently there is no workaround fix for this particular issue.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            12a4eaf97da4 Russell Chee
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