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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-698

Resizing the browser window resets the incident creation fields


    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      When you are creating/updating an incident, resizing the page until it reloads resets all incident creation fields, such as message, incident name and affected components.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to create or update an incident.
      2. Enter text in the "incident name" and "message" fields or select an affected component
      3. Resize the window until the page changes format

      Expected Results

      Selected components and incident name/message should remain

      Actual Results

      All fields are reset


      None at this time

            Unassigned Unassigned
            12298a70fcc6 Abraham Musalem
            1 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
