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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-697

Using update subscribers API in page access users removes the "Email component subscription" field in export CSV


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      When Using API for Audience Spesific pages, adding components to the page subscribers and subscribing to the Individual components using Update Subscriber API endpoint results in unexpected behavior when exporting those users via CSV. After the update, it makes the "Email component subscription" column blank in CSV which we export from export users. 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add a user in Audience specific page and do not add the user to any group
      2. Using API add components to the user
      3. Now Add subscription using Add subscriber endpoint 
      4. Now use Update subscription endpoint and try updating the component list. 

      Expected Results

      It is expected to list all the components under the "Email component subscription" column in exported CSV 

      Actual Results

      The column is blank


      Remove the Subscribers and Add them again using Add subscribers endpoint. 

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            0a2a7c90f190 Agaci Avinas
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