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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-671

Manage API/Subscribers endpoint - "q" parameter breaks the results of "Get a list of subscribers"


    • 3
    • Severity 2 - Major

      Issue Summary

      The Manage API endpoint "Get a list of subscribers" has the "q" query parameter to filter for specific values. When using this on a page, the "components" value for the subscribers that come up are incorrect, as they show all the components in the page(Or for Audience-specific pages, all the components the page access user has access to view), instead of the ones they are subscribed to.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have a page with multiple components
      2. Run an initial query for all subscribers without any parameters, for example: 
      1. Run another query using the "q" parameter: 

      Expected Results

      The "components" attribute result should be the same for both result sets, showing the components that are actually subscribed to

      Actual Results

      On the first query, the correct components come up for each subscriber in the results, but in the query using the "q" parameter, it shows all the page components for the resulting subscribers   


      The current workaround would be to get the full list of subscribers, then use the  "Get a subscriber" endpoint with the specific ID

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            99e0d6abe301 Alan Violada
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