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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-373

EOL of the New Relic Channel Notifications, which affects Email Automation Parsing


    • 9
    • Severity 2 - Major

      Issue Summary

      By end of first half of 2023, the New Relic Channel Notifications with be set to EOL and will be replaced by the workflows process: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/transition-guide

      Workflows: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/applied-intelligence/incident-workflows/incident-workflows/

      This will break the New Relic email automation parsing that we do to change component statuses as the new workflows functionality does not parse. This would also mean that a document change would need to happen as well: https://support.atlassian.com/statuspage/docs/set-up-new-relic-alerts-parsing/

      It appears to use a concept of "destinations": https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/alerts-applied-intelligence/notifications/destinations/ instead of these channel notifications.

      Things I noticed:

      Notification channels send an email to the component automation address with "Incident Opened" or "Incident Closed" and they are sent from "alert@newrelic.com"

      Workflows send notifications from "noreply@notifications.newrelic.com" and the subject line includes "critical priority issue is active"

      The expectation would be that once depreciated, customers can use the new workflows feature in New Relic and still have the component automations work.


      This template is expected to work for customers as a workaround:

      {{ issueTitle }}, component is {{eq "CLOSED" status yes='CLOSED' no='failing'}}   

      NR allows for the email notification subject to be customized and this should be applied in the workflow setup: 

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jklein@atlassian.com Jesse Klein
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