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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-298

The default Product roles of the Statuspage Admin group on Atlassian admin is incorrect leading to abnormal user management flow


    • 1
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      The default Product roles of the Statuspage Admin group, statuspage-admins-, on Atlassian admin has ticked up both User and Product Admin, that leads to that when removing the user from either of the groups, their access to Statuspage will be revoked and need to redo it again.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On a brand new Atlassian site, add a Statuspage subscription.
      2. Check if both User and Product Admin Product roles on Atlassian admin for Statuspage Admin group, statuspage-admins-, are ticked up.
      3. Add a user to Product Admin of Statuspage and check if this user is automatically added to both Product roles.
      4. Try to remove this user from either of the groups, check if this user will still stay on the other Product roles.

      Expected Results

      1. The default Product Roles for statuspage-admins- should be only the Product Admin.
      2. After removing the user from either of the Product Roles, that should still keep them on the other Product Role.

      Actual Results

      1. Every time removing the user from either of the Product Roles, it directly removed him/her from both roles, and the access to Statuspage is revoked.
      2. Screen-recording -> https://share.getcloudapp.com/yAukqg7R


      1. After adding a Statuspage subscription, on the Atlassian admin, manually navigate to Products > Manage access under Statuspage and untick the User from the Product Roles section of the statuspage-admins- group.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            dlee4@atlassian.com Darryl Lee
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