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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-254

Rescheduling an automated and active Maintenance does not work


    • Severity 3 - Minor

      • Issue Summary

      If you have a maintenance event that was setup using automation to begin at a certain time, wait for the maintenance to begin, and then try to reschedule the event to be at a future date, the initial automation date overrides the new date and forces the maintenance to be In Progress. In fact you don't even need to adjust the Schedule, just moving an automated incident back to Scheduled is enough - we'll force it back to In Progress within ~1 minute: 

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to Incidents > Maintenances and click Schedule Maintenance
      2. Add a Name, Message, and Components Affected
      3. Set a Scheduled Time for 1 or 2 minutes from now
      4. In Automation Options, be sure to check "Set status to 'In Progress'" at the start time
      5. Click Schedule Now
      6. Wait for Maintenance to automatically transition to In Progress
      7. Edit the Maintenance
      8. In the Status update tab, set the Maintenance status back to Scheduled and click Update.

      Expected Results

      Maintenance moves back to the Scheduled status and stays there. A Customer can then go to Schedule & Automation to set a new, future date to run the automation again

      Actual Results

      Maintenance is temporarily moved back to Scheduled status, but <1min later it is forced back to In Progress. Something on our back end keeps re-running to see if the maintenance was supposed to be automated and corrects the status if it is not currently In Progress. This effectively blocks a customer from rescheduling a maintenance to a future date.


      Can manually move the Maintenance to Completed to close out this existing event (with a note that it is going to be rescheduled). Then, open a new maintenance event with the new details.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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