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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-252

Inputs have missing or unlinked labels (Forms - Incidents)


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • Accessibility
    • None
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      he following inputs do not have visible labels or labels in code:

      • Update and Create pages: o input.timeInput
      • Update pages:
        • input#react-select-5-input
        • input#react-select-3-input
      • Create pages:
        • input#react-select-19-input
        • input#react-select-20-input
      • Scheduled Maintenance
        • input.time-input

      The following inputs have labels which are not associated to their inputs in code:

      • All Message textareas
      • Send Notifications checkbox
      • Incident Title
      • Incident Status
      • Template Group (has an incorrect for attribute)
      • Template Name
      • Message body
      • Maintenance Title
      • Automation Options checkboxes
      • Maintenance Status

      The following inputs have labels which are only implicitly associated to their inputs, by being used as a wrapping element:

      • Checkboxes in Components Affected
      • Backfill checkbox
      • Template Notifications

      There may be other unlabelled inputs not covered in this list, as only a representative sample of the site was tested.


      Ensure that every input in the section has an associated label element.

      • Give every `<input>` and `<select>` element a unique id attribute.
      • Give every field a `<label>` element with a for attribute. Link it to its field by making the for attribute match the id attribute of the relevant input.

      For groups of inputs, e.g. date and time, radio buttons or checkboxes:each input must still have a `<label>` and the group should be wrapped in a `<fieldset>` with a `<legend>` which describes the question or purpose of the group.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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