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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-242

Webhook and Email subscription management incorrectly tied together


    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      Webhook subscriptions require an email address as well, so we can send notifications if the webhook endpoint has issues. If you create a webhook subscription first, and then try to create an email subscription using the same email address, you will be blocked from creating the email subscription.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On a page with no subscribers, go to the main page and start a Webhook subscription. Note that we ask for an email + webhook URL
      1. Force refresh the page to ensure nothing is cached
      1. Attempt to sign up for just an Email subscription, using the same email address from step 1

      Expected Results

      You go through the standard process to setup a new email subscription from scratch

      Actual Results

      You are brought to a screen that shows the Webhook URL from the subscription setup in Step 1. Not able to successfully create a separate email subscription


      Email and Webhook subscribers must use unique email adresses

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            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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