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  1. Statuspage
  2. STATUS-231

Double opt-in confirmation email needs active session to work on private pages


    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      When clicking through the confirmation link that comes from a Private page, we do need to take the user to the page itself in order to complete the confirmation process. In a situation where the user is already logged in with an active session to view that page in the same browser, clicking the confirmation link will take them right to the page and confirm them immediately. However, if there is no active session, clicking the link will take them to the SSO authentication screen to begin a session first. Once that session has started, they can click the link in their email again and it will successfully confirm them.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Start with a Private page, and have a page visitor that can access the page
      2. Log in as the page viewer and sign up for an email subscription
      3. Clear browser cookies or create an incognito window
      4. Find the opt-in confirmation email and click through to confirm subscription

      Expected Results

      Subscription is confirmed, or the link at least requires the user to login to the page and then immediately confirms them after login.

      Actual Results

      Subscriber is taken to the login screen, but after login they are simply taken to the page. They are not confirmed, and will need to click through the confirmation link again.


      An active session on the page is required for successful confirmation

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            photchkiss Parker Hotchkiss
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