Hi Michael,
Thank you for your answer.
Is there any eta for the referenced beta to go release candidate or production release ?
I'm not sure I we can use beta release, enterprise basis on stability 
I will test the package and let you know.
However meanwhile we are still trying to bend in the way it will suite enterprise better.
I believe the alteration you plan would be sufficient but it kind of depends if those are already available or if the time for their arrival is any date soon.
Let me summarize the issues we are facing:
1/ it installs to user space
> we were able to partially overcome this by creating own installer that redirects the installation out of user space
2/ user needs to register at Atlassian homepage
>we were able to overcome this by letting the installer to create a profile dir/s and supplying forged profile/configuration file/s there.
3/ it tries to download support tools (git,hg) if local version are not the most recent
> we may overcome this by altering the name resolution on client machines (so it believes updates.atassian.com is somewhere else and thus it is not able to find/get/fetch the updates and the option to do so stops popping up the tools update option prompt)
4/ it tries to update it self
> your release model is or could be very good for community or free devs, generally hipsters, but it doesn't suite the regulatory demands in enterprise. Which we have claimed with your developer community and we have reached quite satisfactory answer there. which were suggesting there is an undocumented option altering the sourcetree.exe.config file where it is possible to disable the Squirrel Updater.
re no. 4: we were quit happily using these alteration to greate packages of the software for our users. however these alterations are enough for version
even doing the above described alteration automatically where there is not much time for any process to achieve anything negotiating with remote site or at lest this was something we tough. The situations is that meanwhile local process is terminating the installation setup (right after first experience user setup there are options to configure accounts and other relations in more detail) and alters the sourcetree.exe.config to disable the Squirrel Updater. The squirrel updater already performs its routine it tries to connect to www.sourcetreeapp.com to get an update. ... somehow it is able to use its time effectively and reach for an update in very short time, displaying yellow flag in the title bar of the application next time the application runs.I was trying to limit its actions by fooling the system name resolution again ... and I was really surprised it didn't work ... it doesn't care about my forgeries at all and it sticks with proxy settings (and it doesn't hesitate to fetch the configuration for it from system, despite the fact it has it's own proxy settings with in the options, which should be probably filed by the user if the one wants sourcetree to connect to his/her proxy host)
Is there another hidden option within the configuration of source tree which would make it possible to disable this behavior ?
Is there any other way how to retard this functionality in the way user using the application won't be offended by it or is not even able to spot it ?
Would it be an option to for example remove the Updater.exe right after it is created/unpacked by the installer ?
Thank you for your time and answers in advance.
Best Regards,
Adam Dedek / Commersystems / Commerzbank
Apologies for not following this up before the Enterprise version can be downloaded from our website https://sourcetreeapp.com