Confirmed, I too started having this issue with latest SourceTree versions.
A workaround - after the stage pane has stuck with the loading icon, click any of file checkboxes - then it suddenly wakes up and adds all files to stage.
But I just tried a clean install with embedded git, and it now seems to work fine. So I'm not sure, maybe it is somehow related to whether ST is using embedded or external git. Have to verify this.
Confirmed, I too started having this issue with latest SourceTree versions.
A workaround - after the stage pane has stuck with the loading icon, click any of file checkboxes - then it suddenly wakes up and adds all files to stage.
But I just tried a clean install with embedded git, and it now seems to work fine. So I'm not sure, maybe it is somehow related to whether ST is using embedded or external git. Have to verify this.