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  1. Sourcetree for Windows
  2. SRCTREEWIN-2355

SoureTree Crashes when Committing a File Using the Context Menu


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • 3.0.17
    • 1.6.5
    • Mercurial
    • None
    • Severity 2 - Major

      I had one file pending, which I wanted to stop tracking, so I right clicked and chose to Stop Tracking, accepting the changes. This file then changes its status to a delete (no entry sign).

      Then to commit that change I right clicked on it again, this time choosing "Stop Tracking", which fails and I get an "Oops!" dialogue, and SourceTree closes.

      The commit does succeed if I check the checkbox, and use the commit button on the File Status tab.

        1. sourcetree.log
          6 kB

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