I find myself often in the need to remove a file (or just a hunk) from the last commit.
Currently to solve that I gun `git gui`, set "amend last commit" and then just stage/unstage files from the last commit (for whole files I use `control T` and `control shift T`).
I'd like to have a similar feature also in sourcetree.
In sourcetree it seems that amending commits shows the "staging area" files whose changes are added but not the files already committed (that I want to remove from the commit).
Git amend - show also already committed files
I find myself often in the need to remove a file (or just a hunk) from the last commit.
Currently to solve that I gun `git gui`, set "amend last commit" and then just stage/unstage files from the last commit (for whole files I use `control T` and `control shift T`).
I'd like to have a similar feature also in sourcetree.
In sourcetree it seems that amending commits shows the "staging area" files whose changes are added but not the files already committed (that I want to remove from the commit).