Hi, d27eae982eb0
Thanks for contacting us and reporting this issue.
Unfortunately we could not reproduce the same behaviour and we need additional information from your side to understand what is going on.
Basically, the "SourceTreeLogin" process is a credential helper that is responsible for handling prompts from git. It looks like due to some reason it hangs on your machine and Sourcetree keeps spawning new "SourceTreeLogin" processes. It will be great, if you provide answers to these questions:
1. Could you please confirm you are using Sourcetree 4.2.2?
2. Which version of macOS is currently installed on your machine? ( -> About This Mac)
3. Are you using "Embedded Git" or "System Git"? To check this please open Sourcetree settings and switch to "Git" tab. Observe "Git Version" panel.
4. Could you please tell me which protocol you are using to work with repos: ssh, https or both?
5. Could you please tell me version of ssh agent on your machine? (Open Terminal and type "ssh -V".)
6. It looks like we need to take a look at your logs from Sourcetree.
To enable debug logging you need to do the following: Go to Sourcetree -> Settings -> Advanced. Check "Show debug menu".
Then go to main menu in status bar and go to "Debug" -> Log Level -> Select "Debug".
Relaunch Sourcetree and try to reproduce your issue.
After issue is reproduced and Sourcetree was active about 3-5 minutes you need to open Sourcetree Main menu -> "Debug" -> Open Logs Folder.
Then share this logs with us and we will take a look for possible uncommon or abnormal entries which could point to the reason of this issue.
7. Maybe you remember when this issue occurred first time and you could link it with some actions related to configuration, e.t.c. Or it first time when you are using Sourcetree?
8. Could you please check if you could work with repositories that you've added to Sourcetree using Terminal? Could you please check simple "git pull" or some other command that invokes some interaction with repository remote? It may be helpful for diagnosing this.
You could finish all active "SourceTreeLogin" processes using terminal. Just type "killall SourceTreeLogin". It's not a fix, it's alternative to restarting your machine.
Looking forward for your reply and thanks in advance for your answers.
The fix for this issue is available in Sourcetree 4.2.4.
You could upgrade your Sourcetree via "Check For Updates" feature or directly download it from official website.