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  1. Sourcetree For Mac
  2. SRCTREE-7077

Add option to force fetching of tags with the same name


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Git
    • None
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      In our repository we use Git Tags to tag which code is deployed on specific environment (TEST, UAT, PROD).

      Whenever we make another deployment on enviroment we use the same Tag name (basically this means that old tag is deleted and new is created on different commit).


      If another developer wants to refresh the tags, he uses Fetch / Fetch all tags using Sourcetree.


      Since tag has the same name we get the following error:

      "git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks fetch --prune --tags origin
      _From https://dev.azure.com/GeniDevOps/Integrations/_git/NeuronEsbSales_
      ! [rejected] TEST-Sales -> TEST-Sales (would clobber existing tag)

      Completed with errors, see above."


      Doing some research we found out that as of Git 2.2.0 you need to explicitly specify the force flag:

      git fetch origin --tags --force

      source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9662249/how-to-overwrite-local-tags-with-git-fetch/21475727


      Can you please add this option to force fatching the tags to Sourcetree?

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