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  1. Sourcetree For Mac
  2. SRCTREE-6860

WordWrap the DIFF pane


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Diff
    •  OS X 10.13.6 

      Standalone desktop app V3.2 (122)
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Can we get word-wrapping in the DIFF pane?  

      This has been requested a bunch of times for previous versions and never added.  

      Context: I write coding tutorials via git commits and would love to use SourceTree as the tool that I read my scripts from, but the lack of word-wrap gets in the way: 


      Steps to replicate: Just write a long line of text on a single line in some source file and commit it.  Then view your commit in SourceTree.  Xcode wraps the line in the Diff view.  Why can't SourceTree? 

        1. Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 10.41.24 AM.png
          91 kB
          Matkat Music LLC
        2. Screen Shot 2019-08-19 at 10.48.15 AM.png
          127 kB
          Matkat Music LLC

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