When you choose "Search" in the left navigation panel, you get a little drop-down for the search type, containing these options:
- Commit Message
- Commit SHA
- Branch
- File Changes
- User
The problem is that this drop-down is allocated so little space in the UI that the labels are truncated to:
- Commit...
- CommitS...
- Branch
- File Chan...
- User
Because the first option is the default, showing "Commit...", I can never tell whether it's on "Commit Message" or "Commit SHA". Here's what I'm talking about:
There's soooooo much space allocated to the search field, but so little to the "search type" drop-down. Could we maybe allocate a few more pixels to the width of this drop-down, for improved usability? Ideally we'd be able to read the entire label of each option, e.g. "Commit Message" rather than something with a "..." at the end.