Allow copying a commit's description, commit id, author, and date, via command-C, when viewing commits in the history view. (Would also be nice to copy same info from results in Search view.)
Selecting multiple rows will copy the data from all the rows.
After copying it, I could paste the text into a text editor as tab delimited text, or into a spreadsheet.
I need to look at multiple commits on multiple branches, having a text file or XL file will let me add comments to those commits, such as "this commit has nothing to do with our issue X that was committed 6 months ago and only reported now". Or my boss wants a listing of everything in X release, and we didn't have a better way to integrate that data or track it, so raw commits give us a decent report. Or I need to compare all commits in X branch against what was merged into Y branch. Or maybe I need to copy the commit and ask a coworker to give better commit messages .
(hopefully attached image comes through, got an error "Jira could not attach file as there was a missing token")
The search view is a bit different and will require a separate implementation. I've filed a ticket internally to track this for a future update. Thanks for the request(s)!