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  1. Sourcetree For Mac
  2. SRCTREE-4949

Revert multiple discrete commits


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • Git
    • None
    • Mac OSX 10.10.5

      SourceTree 2.4.1 which is the newest version as of writing this
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      I would like to select multiple discrete commits in History tab, and use context menu(right menu)'s "Reverse Commit..." to revert them all, I'd also like it to show the new commit as a single one instead of multiple commits.

      Currently SourceTree shows "Reverse Commit..." when I select a single commit, but grays it out when I select multiple commits.

      Git supports it, and I think it's not that hard to implement. And also, please consider adding an option box to highlight commits made by others. I need this because I work in a cooperative, and often need to cleanup our master branch from others' old commit in order to do a "Emergency Rollback" or such.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            caoyunbin001 revintec
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                Original Estimate - 8h
                Remaining Estimate - 8h
                Time Spent - Not Specified
                Not Specified