The steps in general are:
- begin with multiple hunks containing changes
- stage some lines in the top hunk
- move to the next hunk, and stage some more lines
- repeat with subsequent hunks until the error occurs
- if the error does not occur, a different file is needed, containing something unknown that is specific to the bug
- e.g. different changes, different sizes of hunks, different number of lines staged, etc.
We don't always see the bug using these steps with every file, but if you do this with enough files, the bug should be easy to reproduce. The workaround I have been using is to open my repository with another git GUI tool and do what I need to do, which always succeeds, therefore I know that the problem is not my operating system, the git binaries, or something else specific to my system.
If I think of anything else I can share about the issue, I will provide additional comments.
Fix is available in version.4.2.7