So before the revamp of the staging and commit flow, the remote chosen to 'push changes immediately to..' seemed to be either the last remote I committed to or the first remote listed in the git config file.
Now it seems to get stuck on just the first remote listed in the remotes list on the left panel. There is no way to sort or prioritize the list of remotes in Sourcetree (that I can find) so no way to tell it to always pick 'origin' or something.
This should either be configurable with some priority or matching rules or just go off the .git/config ordering like I think it used to.
You can see in the screenshots I attached, mine is stuck on corey/master most likely since the list of remotes is ordered alphabetically and 'corey' is first. You can see that the 'corey' remote is specified much later in the .git/config file and should not be chosen all the time as the remote I would push to normally.
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I didn't even know these settings existed (I'm from the Windows world originally and always forget about the unified Preferences...).
I set it to 'upstream' and it's working as I would expect now, thanks!