Classification: Usability
Reproducable: always
Summary: On initial setup, the user is presented with a modal window in which they are asked whether they are willing to send data about their usage. After initial setup, when that option was unchecked, the same setting is checked in the app's preferences.
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Install Source Tree for Mac
2) Uncheck the "... sending data about your usage" checkbook
3) Finish initial setup
4) cmd-, to get into preferences
5) Observe corresponding checkbox is checked
Expected Results:
Checkbox in preferences should match the user's decision during setup.
Actual Results:
The user's decision is not respected.
Regressions: unknown
This may cause a user to trust you less...
Form Name |
W00t. Happy to help. Avid JIRA and SourceTree user. Love your products. Only noticed because I was installing Yosemite preview for nerding out purposes. Otherwise, your app has been a permanent resident on my machine since it started supporting both git and hg.
Thanks again!