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IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Highest Highest
    • None
    • 2.0.3, 2.2.4
    • General, Git
    • None
    • standalone; Java 7 Update 51; Mac OS X 10.7.5

    • Severity 2 - Major

      When SourceTree is running for a few days without being turned off, the number of descriptors of opened files becomes too large and eventually the system runs off file descriptors. Most of them are pipes, example output of lsof command is given below.

      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof
      COMMAND     PID  USER   FD     TYPE             DEVICE   SIZE/OFF        NODE NAME
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3574     PIPE 0xffffff801afcdd30       4096     
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3575     PIPE 0xffffff801b0591b0       4096   
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3576     PIPE 0xffffff8035715d60       4096 
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3577     PIPE 0xffffff8029292310       4096 
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3578     PIPE 0xffffff8025641c80       4096
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3579     PIPE 0xffffff802c5a1210       4096
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3580     PIPE 0xffffff80271e0000       4096
      SourceTre  3021 fedor 3581     PIPE 0xffffff801d400a70       4096

      After SourceTree is restarted, the number of file descriptors becomes normal. But as the time goes on, their number increases. The following commands are executed with the interval of about 1 - 5 minutes. It looks like some leakage of descriptors.

      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
      iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

              • Icon: Bug Bug
              • Resolution: Fixed
              • Icon: Highest Highest
              • None
              • 2.0.3, 2.2.4
              • General, Git
              • None
              • standalone; Java 7 Update 51; Mac OS X 10.7.5

              • Severity 2 - Major

                When SourceTree is running for a few days without being turned off, the number of descriptors of opened files becomes too large and eventually the system runs off file descriptors. Most of them are pipes, example output of lsof command is given below.

                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof
                COMMAND     PID  USER   FD     TYPE             DEVICE   SIZE/OFF        NODE NAME
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3574     PIPE 0xffffff801afcdd30       4096     
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3575     PIPE 0xffffff801b0591b0       4096   
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3576     PIPE 0xffffff8035715d60       4096 
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3577     PIPE 0xffffff8029292310       4096 
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3578     PIPE 0xffffff8025641c80       4096
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3579     PIPE 0xffffff802c5a1210       4096
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3580     PIPE 0xffffff80271e0000       4096
                SourceTre  3021 fedor 3581     PIPE 0xffffff801d400a70       4096

                After SourceTree is restarted, the number of file descriptors becomes normal. But as the time goes on, their number increases. The following commands are executed with the interval of about 1 - 5 minutes. It looks like some leakage of descriptors.

                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l
                iMac-Evgenia:scripts fedor$ lsof | grep "SourceTre" | wc -l

                        43c951f935c6 Raman Sidarakin (Inactive)
                        2bca40367604 Fedor Ermishin
                        20 Vote for this issue
                        35 Start watching this issue


                            43c951f935c6 Raman Sidarakin (Inactive)
                            2bca40367604 Fedor Ermishin
                            Affected customers:
                            20 This affects my team
                            35 Start watching this issue
