(I first filed this issue on the QnA site: https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/243982/sourcetree-doesn-t-refresh-files-in-the-working-tree; I got feedback from Kieran Senior that I should file it as a bug.)
I've been using SourceTree on Mac for a few months and I've been really happy with it.
But recently something happened and SourceTree stopped auto-refreshing the "Files in the working tree" panel. So now if I change some code file and save it, then flip over to SourceTree, I don't see the change reflected in that panel and I'm forced to take some manual action to force-refresh it.
I tried upgrading to SourceTree 1.7 and again to 1.8. That didn't help.
I tried going to Settings - Advanced and making sure that these checkboxes are checked:
- Automatically Refresh (if disabled you must manually refresh this repository)
- Refresh remote status in the background (if enabled in global preferences)
That didn't help either.
I've found that any of the following actions can serve as a "force refresh":
- Restarting SourceTree
- Unchecking and rechecking the checkboxes mentioned above
- Flipping the dropdown from "Show Pending" to "Show Untracked" and back.
Is there some other setting I'm not aware of? Is this a known bug? Is there a keyboard shortcut to force refresh the "Files in the working tree" panel?
Issue fixed in 4.2.5. Kindly upgrade the Sourcetree Version and verify.