Resolution: Invalid
Mistranslations in the contextual menu on the bookmark window.
"Collapse All" = "すべて閉じる";
"Bold titles" = "タイトルをボールドで表示";
"Show Branches" = "ブランチを表示";
"Show push/pull counts" = "push/pull の回数を表示";
Form Name |
[SRCTREE-1080] New Japanese mistranslations
jeff12 If there was a like button next to you I'd hit it. You're totally right, Koichi is providing 99% of the translations for SourceTree, he's done a heck of a job, so thanks!
Don't worry about them being late, 1.8 only just went out so these will be in for the next update
I just came across this entry and wanted to express thanks to Koichi for doing these translations.
Everybody that submits bugs here is helping out to improve SourceTree but where you have been doing multiple translations for over 1.5 years is going above and beyond.
Your kindness and generosity makes SourceTree, and the world in general, better for everyone.
Sorry for being too late.
“AccessibilitySidebarSubtree” = “サブツリー”;
“AddSubtreeTaskSummaryTitle” = “ローカルパス ‘%@‘ にサブツリーを追加しています…”;
“DeleteSubtreeDetailsMsg” = “リポジトリ %2$@‘ のローカルパス ‘%1$@‘ へのサブツリーリンクを削除しますか?\n\nこれはサブツリーを削除する操作ではありません。”;
“DeleteSubtreeDetailsTitle” = “サブツリーのリンクを削除”;
“PullSubtreeMessage” = “本当に ‘%3$@‘ のブランチ / コミットを使用してサブツリー ‘%1$@‘ を ‘%2$@‘ からプルしますか?”;
“PullSubtreeTitle” = “サブツリーをプル”;
“PushSubtreeMessage” = “本当に ‘%3$@‘ のブランチ / コミットで、リポジトリ ‘%2$@‘ へサブツリー ‘%1$@‘ をプッシュしますか?”;
“PushSubtreeTitle” = “サブツリーをプッシュ”;
“SidebarNewSubtree” = “サブツリーを追加/リンク”;
“SidebarSubtrees” = “サブツリー”;
“SpecifySubtreeLocalRelativePath” = “サブツリーのパスを選択”;
“SubtreeDetailsMsg” = “サブツリーの情報:\n\nリポジトリ: %@\nローカルの相対パス: %@\nブランチ / コミット: %@“;
“SubtreeDetailsTitle” = “サブツリー情報”;
“SubtreeLinkFolderConfirmMsg” = “既にフォルダが存在するパスが指定されています。指定されたリモート情報と既存のフォルダにリンクを作成しますか? (注意, リンクを作成してもリポジトリは変更されません)”;
“SubtreeLinkFolderConfirmTitle” = “サブツリー情報とリンク”;
“SubtreeMissingCommitBranchMsg” = “ブランチ / コミット’ 欄は入力が必須です”;
“SubtreeMissingCommitBranchTitle” = “サブツリー情報がありません”;
“SubtreeMissingSourcePathMsg” = “サブツリー操作の実行には、ソースパス / URL が必要です”;
“SubtreeMissingSourcePathTitle” = “サブツリーパスがありません”;
“SubtreePathAlreadyUsedMsg” = “ローカルのサブツリーパス ‘%@‘ はサブツリーにリンク済みです。リンク済みの情報を新しいサブツリーで置換しますか?”;
“SubtreePathAlreadyUsedTitle” = “サブツリーリンクの上書き”;
“SubtreeSquashOption” = “コミットをまとめる”;
Thanks for getting back to me so quick. I've got a few more, but the above one was the most important as everyone will be seeing it. I'll post the key/value pairs just so I know what the identifier is for them. We are going to be switching to 'Transifex' on Mac at some point (Windows already has) so in the future it will be community-driven using a public system rather than the manual process we currently do. As usual, any %@ or %1$@'s you see are substitutes for some other text that is dynamically inserted into the string.
"AccessibilitySidebarSubtree" = "Subtree";
"AddSubtreeTaskSummaryTitle" = "Adding subtree to local path '%@'...";
"DeleteSubtreeDetailsMsg" = "Delete subtree link for local path '%@' with repo '%@'?\n\nThis will not delete your subtree.";
"DeleteSubtreeDetailsTitle" = "Delete Subtree Link";
"PullSubtreeMessage" = "Are you sure you want to pull subtree '%@' from '%@' using branch/commit '%@'?";
"PullSubtreeTitle" = "Pull Subtree";
"PushSubtreeMessage" = "Are you sure you want to push subtree '%@' to repo '%@' with branch/commit '%@'?";
"PushSubtreeTitle" = "Push Subtree";
"SidebarNewSubtree" = "Add/Link Subtree...";
"SidebarSubtrees" = "SUBTREES";
"SpecifySubtreeLocalRelativePath" = "Select Subtree Path";
"SubtreeDetailsMsg" = "Details for subtree:\n\nRepo: %@\nLocal Relative Path: %@\nBranch / Commit: %@";
"SubtreeDetailsTitle" = "Subtree Details";
"SubtreeLinkFolderConfirmMsg" = "A folder already exists at the path you've specified. Do you want to create a link between the remote details you've specified and the existing folder? (note, this won't cause any changes in your repository)";
"SubtreeLinkFolderConfirmTitle" = "Link Subtree Details";
"SubtreeMissingCommitBranchMsg" = "The field 'Branch / Commit' is a required field";
"SubtreeMissingCommitBranchTitle" = "Missing Subtree Detail";
"SubtreeMissingSourcePathMsg" = "A source path / URL is required to perform a subtree action";
"SubtreeMissingSourcePathTitle" = "Subtree Path Missing";
"SubtreePathAlreadyUsedMsg" = "The local subtree path '%@' is already linked to a subtree. Do you want to replace the details already associated with that subtree?";
"SubtreePathAlreadyUsedTitle" = "Override Subtree Link";
"SubtreeSquashOption" = "Squash commits";
I think that's all the outstanding ones that I'm aware.
Really appreciate your time on this Koichi, we're forever in your debt
That's nothing.
"Help improve SourceTree by sending data about your usage" = "SourceTree の使用データを送信して頂き、SourceTree の改善をお手伝い下さい";
Hey Koichi,
Hope you're well! Could you translate the following for us?
"Help improve SourceTree by sending data about your usage"
Thanks in advance
...And please modify the followings in the Setup Wizard:
"Skip Setup" = "セットアップを中止";
"Next" = "次へ";
"Prev" = "戻る";
"Finish" = "完了";
"Search in" = "検索語句";
"Your commit succeeded but your push failed. To retry your push, use the Push toolbar button." = "コミットは正常に完了しましたが、プッシュに失敗しました。ツールバーのプッシュボタンをクリックして、プッシュをやり直して下さい。";
and please add the following localization to the toolbar on the bookmark window:
"Add repository" = "リポジトリを追加";
Translations are community driven by Transifex. Please sign up and contribute the edits directly there for review and inclusion in updates. Thanks!