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  1. Sourcetree For Mac
  2. SRCTREE-1021

Browse older version of source tree


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      Hi, loving SourceTree since I discovered it (and Atlassian products for years).
      SourceTree replaced GitX instantly for my daily use.

      But there are two features of GitX that I'm missing, so I'm creating two issues there, hoping for them
      Sorry if I'm duplicating an issue that I missed searching, or worse If I missed the feature in SourceTree.

      The first feature:
      In GitX, in the "history view" you can enable the "tree view" and then, browse all "source tree" at given time (commit) That's very handy.
      I'm surprised I didn't find something similar in SourceTree. Maybe I missed something?
      I know I could pick a file from "File Staging View" > "Show All" > show log > look for a date... but... not really convenient.

      A common use case is "what my code was at [tag-v2]"

              Unassigned Unassigned
              6ec6b26e1425 Vincent Guerci
              24 Vote for this issue
              13 Start watching this issue
