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  1. atlassian-seraph
  2. SER-229

Allow X-Seraph-LoginReason to be disabled


    • Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • None
    • true

      Problem Statement:

      We need to be able to turn off the X-Seraph-LoginReason response header in Confluence or align the values it provides when a user is present/not present due to security concerns around user enumeration.

      While using Confluence's internal authentication methods, and trying to login, a response header contains the result of the login-attempt:

      • OK

      This allows an attacker to adjust their methods to account for the result in an effort to access Confluence

      There could be an option, toggle, or switch, to disable the X-Seraph-LoginReason header to prevent this value from being returned or the response values could align in a way that does not differentiate if a user exists.


      No workaround is currently available at this time.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            10fa531f7f9c Harrison
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              1 week, 5 days ago