Resolution: Unresolved
When a remote application tries to obtain an access token using PKCE workflow Jira blocks the request expecting a client secret. While the whole purpose of "Proof Key for Code Exchange" is to not use stored secrets.
- Jira 9.15.2
Steps to Reproduce
- Create an incoming application link on Jira
- Generate a code verifier and a code challenge for the remote application
- Consent on the link , GET https://JIRA-HOST/jira/plugins/servlet/oauth2/consent?client_id=V1&redirect_uri=V2&response_type=code&scope=V3&code_challenge_method=S256&code_challenge=V4
- Copy the code from the redirection URL from the previous step , copy the code verifier from the second step
- Send a POST request to : https://JIRA-HOST/jira/rest/oauth2/latest/token?client_id=V1&code=V2&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri=V3&code_verifier=V4
Expected Results
Jira will return an access token to be used by the remote application with response code 200
{ "scope": "SYSTEM_ADMIN", "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ImY2MTViMTdiNDVjMzMxMDU2MTBmMmMwZjQ0N2MwM2E5In0.geCLYxFBbJOOuQa1Z3wpLWl4w-M49l6b76aAKm_6Kzg", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6ImIzYjlmODg0N2M2ODdhYjcwMzRkZmUzYWYxODUzZWI1In0.mFoOTFD1OIhFt7u9i5Ge2AP9fG_8DmGmuyleGkftUrQ" }
Actual Results
Jira returns 401 asking for client_secret
Following Setting properties and options on startup add the value
- Using the mentioned workarround will stop Jira from verifying all the stored client_secrets , this might have a global security impact so be sure to use the workarround only if all remote apps should work only with the less secure PKCE method
- causes
ECOHELP-39584 Failed to load
- is cloned by
KRAK-6134 You do not have permission to view this issue
This is true for confidential clients, but not public clients. Public clients, like an SPA that cannot securely store secrets, must use the Authorization code flow with PKCE to overcome this.
We've just recently upgraded to Confluence 9.2.1, and the Authentication flow with PKCE is working as expected. We do not have to supply a client secret to access the REST API endpoint.