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      Currently reports do not contain details on when a promotion code was applied


      This information should be displayed in the report

      suggestion copied from: https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/AMKT-15900

      The add-on costs X
      Atlassian takes 25%

      So if sold by an AEP, the math should be:
      Sale Price = X
      AEP fee = Y = (20% of X)
      Atlassian fee = Z = (25% of (80% of X))
      Net $ = (X-Y-Z)

      Of course if the Sale Price has a promotion attached to it, then it gets reduced by such amount, so that should be factored in too

            [MP-267] Sale price should display fees, promotions, discounts

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              35e4a63aef7d Aditi Aggarwal
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