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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-944

Automation rule with no_access role type fails during import with Error : [Invalid user type]


    • 2
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      While migrating JSM projects from server to cloud via the JSM-JCMA plugin, the automation rule will fail while being imported to the cloud site. This error is due to one of the if condition validation where user role type is defined as no_access which is not a defined user type on the cloud.

      Steps to Reproduce

      to be added...

      Expected Results

      Automation rule should be imported successfully

      Actual Results

      The below exception is thrown in the JCMA error log file

      2021-12-16 10:10:04.487 ERROR LSBS project-import We couldn't import Automation Rules 897. Reason: 400 Bad Request: [{"errors":[{"errorMessage":"Request Validation Error : [Invalid user type]"}],"reasonKey":"Request Validation Error : [Invalid user type]","reasonCode":"400"}].


      Try changing/removing the failing automation rule and retry the migration.

            9abe9c3b55ac Arun Ganesh
            54bf2707b706 Deepak Pandey
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
