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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-804

Issue fails to export because of stale reference to organization in JSM project.


    • 3
    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      While using the JSM-JCMA plugin to migrate JSM project, issue will fail to export if the issue has stale reference to "organizations".

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add an organization to a Service Desk issue within a project.
      2. Create an issue within the JSM project. In the organization field, put the organization created in (1).
      3. Remove organization created in (1) from project following steps from https://support.atlassian.com/jira-service-management-cloud/docs/remove-an-organization-from-a-service-project/.
      4. Perform JCMA migration of JSM project.

      Expected Results

      Project will successfully be migrated to Cloud.

      Actual Results

      • Migration will fail with the below error:
        java.lang.IllegalStateException: Export of data of project XXXX failed, please check export log for more details.

        The below exception is thrown in the migration logs file:

        2021-09-09 13:25:44.800451 ERROR JSMB project-export We couldn't export Issue JSMB-2. Reason: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Entity mri:mig:jira/servicedesk:customerOrganization:1 is expected to be exported, but it was not.


      Re-migrate with JCMA custom JAR v27 from dropbox link shared in JSM EAP program


      • Identify the affected issue by checking on the Jira Issues listed in the log. In the example above, the Jira issue that failed is JSMB-2.
      • Identify the organization that failed by referring to the ID. In the example above, the organization ID is 1. If there are multiple organization on the issue, we can check from the DB tables.
        ~~select * from "AO_54307E_ORGANIZATION";~~
      • Remove the stale reference from Jira Issue and retry migration.

            968cf9786e60 Srihari Malagi
            llee2@atlassian.com Lenard Lee
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
