Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-404

Cannot import data into next-gen project custom fields with CSV import


    • 5
    • Minor
    • 1

      Issue Summary

      As per summary, the CSV import does not import data for next-gen custom fields. The next-gen custom fields are listed and can be selected for mapping but the import does not fill up the custom field with data.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a number, short text and paragraph custom field in the next gen project issue type screen.
      2. Attempt to create an issue with a CSV file.
      3. Map the fields.
      4. Perform the import.
      5. Check the imported issue.

      Expected Results

      The created issue custom field should contain values from the CSV file.

      Actual Results

      Custom field has no values despite no error is shown on the CSV import logs.

      2020-07-31 11:37:31,388 INFO - Import started by admin using com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.imports.csv.CsvDataBean
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,653 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,653 INFO - Importing: Users
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,653 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,653 INFO - Only new items will be imported
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,657 INFO - 0 users associated with import. All of them imported as inactive, this can be changed after import in User Access step.
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,657 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,657 INFO - Finished Importing : Users
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,657 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,657 INFO - 0 users successfully created.
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,661 INFO - Retrieving projects...
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,673 INFO - Project ExternalProject{id='null', key='NGS', externalName='null', name='Next-Gen-Scrum', type='null', template='null'} exists and found correctly.
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - Importing: Versions
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - Only new items will be imported
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - Finished Importing : Versions
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - Importing: Components
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - Only new items will be imported
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - Finished Importing : Components
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,676 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,683 INFO - Retrieving custom fields...
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,690 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,690 INFO - Importing: Issues
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,690 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,690 INFO - Only new items will be imported
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,702 INFO - Importing issue: [externalId='autoid-5438124542668496590', summary='Atlassian Test']
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,935 INFO - 1 issues successfully created
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,938 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,938 INFO - Finished Importing : Issues
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,938 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,942 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,942 INFO - Importing: Issue Links & Subtasks
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,942 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,942 INFO - Only new items will be imported
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,945 INFO - ------------------------------
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,945 INFO - Finished Importing : Issue Links & Subtasks
      2020-07-31 11:37:31,945 INFO - ------------------------------


      No workaround for now besides importing to classic project.

        1. image-2020-07-31-19-35-04-513.png
          67 kB
          Vincent Chin
        2. image-2020-07-31-19-39-21-663.png
          66 kB
          Vincent Chin

            Unassigned Unassigned
            vchin Vincent Chin (Inactive)
            2 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
