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  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-271

Duplicate email check failed when username has some upper case characters


    • 2
    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Issue Summary

      When using JCMA to migrate individual projects to the cloud, users may see this

      Multiple users have the same email address
      This is caused by the duplicate email check failed when the username has some upper case characters and some project data contains both user-refs and export treats them as two different user keys

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. access JCMA GUI <Server_URL>/secure/migration-app-action.jspa#/plan-configuration
      2. select "chose what to migrate"
      3. select "Projects, users and groups"
      4. select desired projects
      5. select "Only users and groups related to the selected projects"
      6. select "Preserve Group Membership"
      7. users should see the ERROR "Multiple users have the same email address"

      Expected Results

      Users should be able to complete the migration of individual projects via JCMA

      Actual Results

      Users may see this error:

      Multiple users have the same email address


      User should migrate all the users/groups separately, then, via XML import, manually migrate the projects

            dweerasinghe@atlassian.com Dilan Weerasinghe
            d49dff567647 Isac Rodrigues Da Silva (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
