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Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-215

Update JCMA documentation to show incompatibility with older versions of Oracle Java

    • 4
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Please update the JCMA documentation to show that earlier versions of Oracle Java may be incompatible with JCMA. Jira instances that are using Java 1.8.0_25 or older may throw the following errors.

      2020-07-14 14:19:10,549 https-jsse-nio-6391-exec-19 ERROR sean.haskell 859x167x1 l71mmk /rest/migration/latest/check/9ed34907a910a2e0df43a551d5343df8e86e8a49/status [c.a.j.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight execution error occurred for check type InvalidEmails
      java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.VerifyError: Uninitialized object exists on backward branch 83
      Exception Details:
          com/atlassian/jira/migration/serverdataextractors/usergroup/JiraUserGroupMigrationData.<init>(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;)V @155: goto  Reason:
          Error exists in the bytecode
          0x0000000: 2b12 21b8 0027 2c12 28b8 0027 2d12 29b8
          0x0000010: 0027 2a2b 2c2d c000 303a 043a 113a 103a
          0x0000020: 0f03 3605 1904 100a b800 36b8 003c 1010
          0x0000030: b800 4236 0619 043a 07bb 0044 5915 06b7
          0x0000040: 0047 c000 493a 0803 3609 1907 b900 4d01
          0x0000050: 003a 0a19 0ab9 0053 0100 9900 4419 0ab9
          0x0000060: 0057 0100 3a0b 1908 3a0c 190b c000 593a
          0x0000070: 0d03 360e 190d b600 5db6 0063 190d b600
          0x0000080: 67b8 006d 3a0d 0336 0e19 0c19 0db6 0072
          0x0000090: 190d b600 75b9 0079 0300 57a7 ffb8 1908
          0x00000a0: 003a 1219 0f19 1019 1119 12b7 007b b1  
        Stackmap Table:

      Known Oracle Bug

      This is due to a bug in earlier JDK 8 versions. This appears to be corrected in Oracle Java 1.8.0_25 and greater.


      Notice this is fixed after this:

      8046233 hotspot runtime VerifyError on backward branch

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
            1. Migration Platform
            2. MIG-215

            Update JCMA documentation to show incompatibility with older versions of Oracle Java

              • 4
              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


                Please update the JCMA documentation to show that earlier versions of Oracle Java may be incompatible with JCMA. Jira instances that are using Java 1.8.0_25 or older may throw the following errors.

                2020-07-14 14:19:10,549 https-jsse-nio-6391-exec-19 ERROR sean.haskell 859x167x1 l71mmk /rest/migration/latest/check/9ed34907a910a2e0df43a551d5343df8e86e8a49/status [c.a.j.migration.preflight.AsyncCheckExecutor] Pre-flight execution error occurred for check type InvalidEmails
                java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.VerifyError: Uninitialized object exists on backward branch 83
                Exception Details:
                    com/atlassian/jira/migration/serverdataextractors/usergroup/JiraUserGroupMigrationData.<init>(Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;Ljava/util/List;)V @155: goto  Reason:
                    Error exists in the bytecode
                    0x0000000: 2b12 21b8 0027 2c12 28b8 0027 2d12 29b8
                    0x0000010: 0027 2a2b 2c2d c000 303a 043a 113a 103a
                    0x0000020: 0f03 3605 1904 100a b800 36b8 003c 1010
                    0x0000030: b800 4236 0619 043a 07bb 0044 5915 06b7
                    0x0000040: 0047 c000 493a 0803 3609 1907 b900 4d01
                    0x0000050: 003a 0a19 0ab9 0053 0100 9900 4419 0ab9
                    0x0000060: 0057 0100 3a0b 1908 3a0c 190b c000 593a
                    0x0000070: 0d03 360e 190d b600 5db6 0063 190d b600
                    0x0000080: 67b8 006d 3a0d 0336 0e19 0c19 0db6 0072
                    0x0000090: 190d b600 75b9 0079 0300 57a7 ffb8 1908
                    0x00000a0: 003a 1219 0f19 1019 1119 12b7 007b b1  
                  Stackmap Table:

                Known Oracle Bug

                This is due to a bug in earlier JDK 8 versions. This appears to be corrected in Oracle Java 1.8.0_25 and greater.


                Notice this is fixed after this:

                8046233 hotspot runtime VerifyError on backward branch

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        ajean Andy J.
                        2 Vote for this issue
                        5 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            ajean Andy J.
                            2 Vote for this issue
                            5 Start watching this issue
