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Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
  1. Migration Platform
  2. MIG-1849

CCMA Group Page restrictions are dropped with scoped user/group migration if the group does not have space permissions

    • 17
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Issue Summary

      Based on 

      This is reproducible on the Data Center: Yes

      Migration Type: server to cloud 

      when we migrate scoped users and groups in CCMA, groups associated with page restriction are not migrated if the group does not also have space permissions. The group is still referenced in the restrictions on the cloud even though we couldn't find it in the Administration.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. On Confluence server Create a Page inside a space
      2. Put a Restriction on a Page with a Group with few users
      3. Create a Migration Plan->Add the Space with Restricted page-> Select Only Users related to selected spaces-> Run The Migration
      4. Once Migration is complete, go to cloud site and check for the Group associated with the restriction on the page and it is not available

      Expected Results

      All groups associated with page restriction should be migrated to cloud site and have access to the Page as per restrictions

      Actual Results

      No Groups are Migrated to the cloud if they are a part of the Restriction on a Confluence Page


      Migrate all users and groups with the migration


      Re-add the page restrictions manually

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Migration Platform'
            1. Migration Platform
            2. MIG-1849

            CCMA Group Page restrictions are dropped with scoped user/group migration if the group does not have space permissions

              • 17
              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                Issue Summary

                Based on 

                This is reproducible on the Data Center: Yes

                Migration Type: server to cloud 

                when we migrate scoped users and groups in CCMA, groups associated with page restriction are not migrated if the group does not also have space permissions. The group is still referenced in the restrictions on the cloud even though we couldn't find it in the Administration.

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. On Confluence server Create a Page inside a space
                2. Put a Restriction on a Page with a Group with few users
                3. Create a Migration Plan->Add the Space with Restricted page-> Select Only Users related to selected spaces-> Run The Migration
                4. Once Migration is complete, go to cloud site and check for the Group associated with the restriction on the page and it is not available

                Expected Results

                All groups associated with page restriction should be migrated to cloud site and have access to the Page as per restrictions

                Actual Results

                No Groups are Migrated to the cloud if they are a part of the Restriction on a Confluence Page


                Migrate all users and groups with the migration


                Re-add the page restrictions manually

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        6c05774b4db4 Carl Adolfson
                        2 Vote for this issue
                        9 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            6c05774b4db4 Carl Adolfson
                            2 Vote for this issue
                            9 Start watching this issue
